I have tried a couple of your suggestions and they seem to be working. Thank you for that. I am 35 years old and have had dark circles all around my eyes from childhood. Is there any acupressure technique for dark circles? Also, I am losing hair very rapidly since last 6 months. I loose thin locks of hair at a time. All the tests with the doctors came alright. The hair (each strand) has also become very thin and lifeless/frizzy. If you know of any acupressure techniques for these issues, please advice.
Thank you,
1.Reason of dark circle in eye area is lake of hemoglobin. Generally females are suffering from iron deficiency. In normal women quantity of hemoglobin is 12-14 gm but I am sure that if you are suffering from dark circle in eye region your hemoglobin count is 8-9 only.2.So it is better to take one-two month’s course of iron tablets (tab raricap HT or tab livogen) and folic acid (tab folvite) with consult of your doctor. To fill up your iron and folic acid deficiency.

3.If you have patience and not want to use allopathic iron and folic acid supplement then I have some alternative iron food supplement for you. Use 50 gm gur (jaggery) in your daily food and 50 gram baked ground nuts daily at least 2 months.4.Gur or jaggery contains 10 times more iron compare to spinach. you may also use spinach in your daily food.

5.For external use take honey mix it with potato juice and rub gently on dark circle at every night before sleeping. Use this honey potato juice for 2 months you may see 25 percent result in first 15 days.

6.This point is only for those who have a fatty body because normally dark circle is found in fatty persons “take one teaspoon full methi (fenugreek) powder at night with water for 20 day. If you are slim and suffering from dark circle then no need to use fenugreek powder.
7.I am sure if you use it with faith your dark circle is cure in 2 months.
8. See my recent research in this youtube video to learn how coconut oil remove dark circles:-
i agree with you i use potato slice on my eye and rub honey and take honey and lemon juice in water to get rid of my dark circle.
ReplyDeleteit will cure it.
wait for your article about hair..thanks a lot for doing such good job for us...
Many thanks Mr. Kaushik. I really do appreciate your help. I will be trying the jaggery (gur) peanut remedy along with other suggestions. Fortunately, I won't need point #6 :)
ReplyDeleteOnce again many thanks and awaiting your research for hair issue. I will keep you posted of my progress.
Also, does the jaggery have to be raw? Or, is it OK if I make my tea with jaggery instead of sugar. I could add it to the tea once its ready to avoid carmelizing the jaggery.
ReplyDeletePlease advise,
respected radhika ji
ReplyDeletethanks for your comments, it is good to use jaggery raw because if you add it tea instead of sugar the tenin of tea is distrub the absorpation of iron and you avail only 50 percent of iron.
i think you are live in india or in india a tasty chikky of gur+mungphali(jaggery+groundnut) is availble in the market at winter time is the best source of iron and protin
or you can use aurvedic iron compound medicine like divya-punarnavadi mandur or charak-menol malt with consulet of doctor.
otherwise after your night meal take some jaggery raw is a good because when you sleep at night iron absorpation is better.
your hair article is under process and i am happy that you have no need to point 6
i try it 3 day and seem to be working ,i use spinach and honey in my daily food as iron source but combination of potato juice and honey seem to work in extrnal use thanks
Thank you Kaushikji! All your advice is very helpful. I knew about the tannin in tea but forgot all about it. Is there a specific ratio of honey to potato juice or it doesn't matter? Also, how long should I keep it on my eyes? All night or a few minutes? Sorry, I keep asking counter questions.
use equal ratio ratio of honey to potato juice .Also, keep it All night . i think you may give me possitive news in 1 month
ReplyDeleteYou conviction makes me believe in your prescriptions...you mean methi soaked in water overnight to be consumed in the morning?
ReplyDeleteno, use dry methi powder click here to read my article how to reduce fat from your hip or stomach
ReplyDeletein above article you find full method of methi powder uses
SIr,My hemoglobin level is 10.8 .I have ringing sound in my left ear from few months . And swelling in my feet /calf /ankle. I am very worried as I am planning to have a baby in few months. PL HELP !