Early ejaculation is not a disease. Early ejaculation shows that your erotic state is on peak level and your control on mind is less. So read following tips carefully and apply them today you will be get a great result.
1. Take some tamarind seeds and fry them without oil in a hot cookware. You can also use oven. Fry until it cover burn and see black but inner yellow part is only partly burn. After cooling them removed, it burned cover by hand. And sucking and chewing slowly it inner yellow partly burn part like a nut. You can suck maximum 5 seeds in a day. This process increases your ejaculation time significantly in 3-7 days. These methods are harmless and also control your acidity or diabetes.
2. During the sex, change your mind in other things. It means between the sexes you imagine mountain, river, temple, birds, pets, a car, and a platform seen. However, done this change is only for few seconds because if you change your attention for a long time you loose your erection. So, rotate your mind between the sex and other tings.
3. Not to use tamarind (tamarind increase pre mature ejaculation but it seeds decrease early ejaculation), grapes, alcohol, précis, and other tings which are acetic in nature.
4. Think about sex only when then you really doing it. If you think all the time about sex and see pornographic matter it stimulate sex center in your mind and early ejaculation is results of stimulated sex center.
5. Some pen killers like diclofenac sodium, peracitamole, nimesulide ibrufene block your nervous system so sex stimulation go slowly to sex center and increase sex time but use these drugs only on emergency and after consult your doctor read caution in this blog.
I hope if you follow these methods then pre mature (early) ejaculation is not a matter for you. Please leave your comments about this article it will be help us to improve our work.
Related topic: -http://popati.blogspot.com/2009/04/increase-your-sex-power-naturally.html
1. Take some tamarind seeds and fry them without oil in a hot cookware. You can also use oven. Fry until it cover burn and see black but inner yellow part is only partly burn. After cooling them removed, it burned cover by hand. And sucking and chewing slowly it inner yellow partly burn part like a nut. You can suck maximum 5 seeds in a day. This process increases your ejaculation time significantly in 3-7 days. These methods are harmless and also control your acidity or diabetes.
2. During the sex, change your mind in other things. It means between the sexes you imagine mountain, river, temple, birds, pets, a car, and a platform seen. However, done this change is only for few seconds because if you change your attention for a long time you loose your erection. So, rotate your mind between the sex and other tings.
3. Not to use tamarind (tamarind increase pre mature ejaculation but it seeds decrease early ejaculation), grapes, alcohol, précis, and other tings which are acetic in nature.
4. Think about sex only when then you really doing it. If you think all the time about sex and see pornographic matter it stimulate sex center in your mind and early ejaculation is results of stimulated sex center.
5. Some pen killers like diclofenac sodium, peracitamole, nimesulide ibrufene block your nervous system so sex stimulation go slowly to sex center and increase sex time but use these drugs only on emergency and after consult your doctor read caution in this blog.
I hope if you follow these methods then pre mature (early) ejaculation is not a matter for you. Please leave your comments about this article it will be help us to improve our work.
Related topic: -http://popati.blogspot.com/2009/04/increase-your-sex-power-naturally.html
I am very happy to take part or to give my comment regarding this issue. if i took some example in my self i have a problem of early ejaculation and i dont have what i solve this problem so i would like to have the exect and qualitative methods that i can treat this issue
Appreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some
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Appreciation is the key to doing more that is why I have took some
Deletetime out to thank some one who cured me of my 4 years weak erection
problem. It became a major problem to me as it was affecting my
marital life and I was no longer comfortable so I decided to look for
a solution and I came across a post of Dr Alaska and how he has been
helping people of the same problem I contacted him and told him all I
have been facing in my life. He told me how to get his product and how
to take it after every thing I find out that all was now okay with me
and that my weak erection problem was gone that is why I have come out
today to say thank you to him and for any weak erection problem
either from man or woman. Contact him on dralaskajohn@gmail.com or
call him +2348169591194
amandeep you have good news i find a old article about this and soon it will be publish on popati
ReplyDeleteSir I m anju. My problem is I have big stomach but small breast , I want to reduce stomach only. What to do pl reply soon. Waiting
ReplyDeleteIt is 101% work and really help me god bless you
ReplyDeleteSir I am aman nad I ve problem with my thin penis please help me how to increase thick of my penis.
ReplyDeleteSir please give link to your article on thin penis