Please provide few methods to get rid of glasses.
Thanks. ask by mr.Michael Clarke by mail
1. This is a 3-6 months dedicated work plan to remove glasses or treat your myopia and other vision problems.
2. Please read this article carefully and follow tips that are given here with faith this is a slow process and it may be possible that you find your first result after 30 day continue practice so be patience and done these alternative methods continue at least 30 day to see result.
3. First of all, check current number of your glasses or spectacles to trace out result of our method this process of compulsory because if you check one month ago it is possible that your number is increased so please make a fresh eye checking before you start.
4. When you rise up at morning, take some water in your mouth and than wash your eyes with normally cold water (not chilled). Also open and close eyes in cold water. After washing your eyes, spit water from your mouth. Repeat this process minimum thrice a day.
Working process of this tip: - our eye lens is make from fiber mussels and they continue work in our vision process. When we take water in our mouth our lens mussels spread and washing of our eye with cold water is shrink mussels of lens for few seconds this process give exercise your lens directly and increase blood circulation in our eyes. This method is feeling small but give you a huge benefit, so try it.
5. After your bathing done swami ramdev ji anuloma viloma pranayama 20 minutes (four cycle of 5-5-5-5 minutes) daily. If you find difficult to done this then done it 2 times 10-10 minutes at morning and evening (two cycle of 5-5 minutes at morning and 2 cycle of 5-5 minutes at evening) To learn anuloma viloma pranayama search video of this “anuloma viloma pranayama by ramdev ji” in “you tube” site.

Working process of this tip: - in anuloma viloma pranayama we intake more oxygen and this oxygen go to our eye mussels by blood circulation extra oxygen give strengths of your eyes mussels.
6. When you are free and not doing any work then remove your glasses and try to see without glasses. However, remember when you without glasses slowly increase your time and do not try this in driving, operate a machine or reading.
Working process of this tip: - this will help your eye lens to came in his original natural status.
7. Give a pot of water to god sun every day with mantra of “Om aadityay namh”:
Working process of this tip: - in Hindu astrology god sun is controller of our eyes and when you put a pot of water in the direction of sun and see god sun through the stream of water. The ultraviolet rays filtered with water touch with your eyes healing your eyes tissues.
Cautions: - done it without glasses and only early morning when sunrays is cool and in orange color. See sun through water stream only for 2-3 seconds.
8. This points is only for Indian which knew Hindi language very well they repeat chakshusopanisada daily at morning find full method of chakshusopanisada in Hindi at following link
Working process of this tip: - as above link
Moreover, if you do not knew Hindi than avoid this tip and use other 9 tips of this blog
9.use following herbal medicines of baba ramdev to cure your myopia or vision problem and get rid from glasses or spectacles
Divya-aamlki rasayan 200 gm
Divya-saptamirit loh 20 gm
Divya-mukta sukti pisti 10 gm
Mix this three medicine and take ½ teaspoonful with water twice a day.
If you are outside from India and baba ramdev medicines are unavailable in your country than first try to contact patnjali yogapeeth haridwar India for delivery of these medicines in your country. If you are still unable to find these medicines than “use only indian gooseberry herb powder 1 teaspoonful twice daily instead of above baba ramdev medicines because major part of above medicines is gooseberry.
Working process of this tip: - in Indian method of treatment (called aayurveda) indian gooseberry is a complete nerve tonic and indian gooseberry powder give strength all of your nerves including eyes nerves.
10. Put divya-netra jyoti 2 drops in your eyes every day.
If you are outside from India and baba ramdev medicines are unavailable in your country than first try to contact patnjali yogapeeth haridwar India for delivery of this medicine in your country and if you are still unable to find this medicine than try to make divya-netra jyoti at home
Ingredients: -
White Onion juice 10 ml
Lemmon juice 10 ml
Ginger juice 10 ml
Honey 50 ml
Mix it and use it as diva netra jyoti of baba ramdev
Working process of this tip: - it cleans your eyes with the help of tear and increase visibility of your eye lens. Use of this medicine is painful for 2-3 minutes but after 2-3 minutes pain is goes out and your eyes is clear.
Working process of this tip: - as above link
Moreover, if you do not knew Hindi than avoid this tip and use other 9 tips of this blog
9.use following herbal medicines of baba ramdev to cure your myopia or vision problem and get rid from glasses or spectacles
Divya-aamlki rasayan 200 gm
Divya-saptamirit loh 20 gm
Divya-mukta sukti pisti 10 gm
Mix this three medicine and take ½ teaspoonful with water twice a day.
If you are outside from India and baba ramdev medicines are unavailable in your country than first try to contact patnjali yogapeeth haridwar India for delivery of these medicines in your country. If you are still unable to find these medicines than “use only indian gooseberry herb powder 1 teaspoonful twice daily instead of above baba ramdev medicines because major part of above medicines is gooseberry.
Working process of this tip: - in Indian method of treatment (called aayurveda) indian gooseberry is a complete nerve tonic and indian gooseberry powder give strength all of your nerves including eyes nerves.
10. Put divya-netra jyoti 2 drops in your eyes every day.
If you are outside from India and baba ramdev medicines are unavailable in your country than first try to contact patnjali yogapeeth haridwar India for delivery of this medicine in your country and if you are still unable to find this medicine than try to make divya-netra jyoti at home
Ingredients: -
White Onion juice 10 ml
Lemmon juice 10 ml
Ginger juice 10 ml
Honey 50 ml
Mix it and use it as diva netra jyoti of baba ramdev
Working process of this tip: - it cleans your eyes with the help of tear and increase visibility of your eye lens. Use of this medicine is painful for 2-3 minutes but after 2-3 minutes pain is goes out and your eyes is clear.
please give your comments on our work, did you like it? have you got benifit from it? sent your health problem to mckaushik00@yahoo.co.in for free advice on this blog
Thanks for the blog. It is really good. It seems like you have very good knowledge of Ayurvaid. Will try it,hopefully it works.
thnak you michael ji for your comments we wait a good news from your side that you have reduce your number
ReplyDeleteDo you know if anyone has been benefited by this technique
ReplyDeleteyes sir my own daughter age 8 year have -2 number and i use these method and now she has good eyesight
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your prompt reply. This gives me a lot of confedence. I am 25 and have + power (high) I would also like to know do you suggest the usages of oral medication and the eye drops with genger and onion and lime with honey to be used for better results or just the pranayam would do. I do 3 min of Bhastrika, 10 min of KapalBhati 15 min anulom vilom and few times bhramari and urgith. if you have any more inputs do let me know
ReplyDeleteRespected "anand katti ji"
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for your comment
Medicine name divya netra jyoti made from onion honey etc. use twice daily at morning and at bed time….use it before washing eyes and after 10 minutes of using wash your eye.
this is good for you that you check your number every month but do not tell about your former number to eye technician or doctor because it is possible that if you tell about your former number then they tell a lie to you that your number increase 0.5 (this is usual so be careful). And if your real number reduces then make new glasses.
Use anti rays screen on your computer and after using it working on computer not harm to your eyes.
use acupressure which i recomand a separate article on my blog se pt archive.
in my daughter i use only medicine no pranayama because she was so under age to unable to done proper pranayama so i think medicine will more help to you but pranayama also power full so please do not avoid it.
I wait your next month mail with good news
Mahesh chander kaushik
Dear Mahesh chander kaushik Ji
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your reply. I have prepared the medicine at home with one spoon of lemon juice, one spoon of ginger juice and one spood of white onion juice and 4.5 spoon of honey as said in the CD of Baba Ramdev's eye diseases CD.Let me know if this is OK. anyway i myself am finidng better within4 to 5 days of drops.I am yet to prepare the amalika rasayan + saptamrita loha, mukta shakti bhasama. i will update you after one month. If you have any information apart from this to me please let me know. Does accupressure to be done empty stomach
thanks you very much! nice blog!
ReplyDeletecan you please tell me how effective is the accupressure and also request you to let me know the exact points
ReplyDeleterespected anand katti ji
ReplyDeletesorry for late reply your formula to make drops is ok you also buy this medicine redimade at baba ramdev store.
i wait your progress, accupressure is done any time empty stomach is not requird
respected anonymous ji
ReplyDeleteyou find a separate article for accupressure to improove eyesight on my blog sept archive
go down in my blog there are a archive list read it in sept archive
thanks all of you for your intrest
dear sir,
ReplyDeleteyour blog gave a real boost to my moral.Im working late nights at computer,is proper sleep required at the time of practicing this therapy.
looking forward for reply
Thanking you
How often do you suggest me to consult doc
respected karan ji
ReplyDeleteproper sleep minimum 6-7 hour is require in this theropy thanks for your faith on this blog and it will give you resulet soon try it with faith
respected aanad ji
ReplyDeletecheck every month to doctore .
but do not tell about your former number to eye technician or doctor because it is possible that if you tell about your former number then they tell a lie to you that your number increase 0.5 (this is usual so be careful). And if your real number reduces then make new glasses.
Hello Sir,
ReplyDeleteDo you have any idea as to how to reduce excess vomiting during first trimester of pregnancy using either home remedy or ayurvedic med
i publish a fresh article for you about your vomiting during the pregnancy in my blog read it at http://popati.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteDear Mr. Kaushik,
ReplyDeleteit is very heartening to know that your your daughter has reduced her prescription.
can you please outline the procedure you followed for her and all the practices and medicines used for her.
My son is 8.5 years with a power close to -3.
Can you please advise the routine that needs to be followed.
I am very worried about the myopic progression.
How long did it take for your daughter to see any result.
Considering it is very tricky to have 8 year olds do eye excercises and pranayam...also please share how you motivated your daughter.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
A worried mom
Best regards
Dear kaushik ji,
ReplyDeleteI went to the eye hospital yesterday for the first time in my life, and got checked my eyes and found that I have -0.75 sight for left eye and +1.75 for right eye.
(Cause : I watch T.V. continuously 8 hrs and 10 hours computer surfing per day during last week end for 4 days and slept for only 3-4 hours per day ,then I found some blur in my vision and approached the doctor).
I heard that if the sight is below -1 or +1 , it can be cured by some eye exercises by using ayurvedic treatment.
The doctor advised me that I have to wear glasses but I do not like to wear it.
Can i cure myself atleast for left eye which got sight below 1 (-0.75) inorder to have better vision.
I am an Indian engineer (From andhra Pradesh) working in saudi Arabia. If u can , pl. do let me know.
Also, by this year july i am coming to india for my annual vacation and would like to take a yoga class in this regard.
so, how can i approach baba ramdev.
which CD of baba ramdev i have to buy , can i buy it through online.
i believe that if i learn these yogic exercises initially, i can do it consistently and reduce my left eye sight.
Thanks in advance,
Hey there, anybody have good results after following this regimen ? It sounds really promising
ReplyDeleteHi Anandji, Do we put Divya netra-jyoti two drops in each eye once a day? Its a very nice post.
ReplyDeletesir i am going to try this can it help in far sightdness plz sir help me my email is bhandariarchana63@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteam wearing a high power myopic glass.am afraid of wearing lens.can my disease be cured?
ReplyDeleteDear Kaushik Ji
ReplyDeleteI am a mother of a 4 month old baby boy.. Last week his dr. told that he had myopia and the power is -3. My heart completely broke after hearing this news. She told that it is hereditary.. My husband's sister had the same problem. She called him after 2 months again for check up. She told that if the power increases after 2 months then my baby will have to put glasses right from 6 months. Otherwise, he will have to put glasses from 1 year onwards... Can you please give suggestion for a 4 month old baby... I will be very very thankful to you... Please help me!!
sir mera no. 4 hai pas and dur ka meeri age 19 hai 3rd class se specx lga hai..and mein laser nhi krnaa chti. ye methods useful hai...bina ramdev ki dwai k.useful hai..becoz i think in medicine se weight bhi gain hota hai...........is drishti drop is useful this is also ramdev medicine...drishti se no. kam hoga vo bhi eyedrop hai..in menthods se kitne tym pe specx hat jaega...bilkul 0 no. ho jaega
ReplyDeletesir mera no. 4 hai dur ka bhi nd pas ka bhi meri age 19 hai....nd mujhe apna no. bilkul khtm krna hai...lekin ramdev k products use nhi ksrkti....in medicines se weight bdta hai i guess.....kya drishti drops jo ki ramdev ki hai...aur subha uthke pani marne se eyes pe..aur ulom vilom sufficient hai..no. kam krne k lie..........
ReplyDeletesir mera no. 4 hai pas and dur ka meeri age 19 hai 3rd class se specx lga hai..and mein laser nhi krnaa chti. ye methods useful hai...bina ramdev ki dwai k.useful hai..becoz i think in medicine se weight bhi gain hota hai...........is drishti drop is useful this is also ramdev medicine...drishti se no. kam hoga vo bhi eyedrop hai..in menthods se kitne tym pe specx hat jaega...bilkul 0 no. ho jaega
ReplyDeleteSir I have a no. of 0.75. I want to get relief from spectales permanently. Sir, I want a very sharp eyesight without any operation.Can I get rid from spectacles by following these methods and get a very sharp eyesight?
ReplyDeleteIf YES, then in how much time?
And if NO then can you suggest me some more methods?
1.) Sir, I have a number of 0.75. I want a sharp eyesight without any operation.Can I get a very sharp eyesight by following the methods you have mentioned above?
ReplyDelete2.) If YES, then in how much time?
3.) If NO, Then can you suggest me some more methods?
4.) Sir also give some methods that everyone should follow to prevent himself from spectacles.
sir i have made a mix of 3 medicines mentioned by you above,i have 3 doubts regarding it--
ReplyDelete1) the taste of medicine is very bitter,i tried to take it with milk but then also not able to eat it,please tell me any other way to consume it.
2)what is the significance of divya saptamrit loh in this mixture?
I have -7 number can I reduce it in how many month n what can I do?
ReplyDeleteHi, I'm shruthi aged 23 having -8.5 in both eyes, have to wear specs all the time, cannot afford to eye surgery.
ReplyDeleteCan you please let me know the complete procedure including ayurveda medicines, yogasanas, food diet etc to get rid of specs naturally...
Vaishali ji, Try it time and progress depend vary from person to person
ReplyDeleteMamidisette ji
ReplyDeletePlease try the method because result is not guaranteed and variable from person to person.